Current Openings
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For postal mail submission. Please apply with resume to:
HR Department, Redeemsoft, LLC., 100 Wood Ave, Suite 107 , Iselin, NJ 08830.
HR Department, Redeemsoft, LLC., 100 Wood Ave, Suite 107 , Iselin, NJ 08830.
If you any questions, please call us at +1 732-548-8002(NJ)
IT Consulting (Iselin, NJ) firm seeks Software Engineer to design and develop software systems or application based on scientific analysis, mathematical models and customer requirements. Provide Software system testing and validation procedures using technologies such as JCL, COBOL, DB2, PLI Coding, UNIX, PERL Scripting, CICS, IMSDB, ECM, BPM, POEM, Windows. Engage in feasibility analysis based on customer needs and software requirements. Provide software system installation and monitor equipment functioning to meet specifications. Mail resumes to HRD, Redeemsoft, LLC, 100 Wood Ave., Suite 107 Iselin, NJ 08830. Apply for this position